May 2024 Booster Meeting – 5/14/24 @ 8pm (Note the Time Change!!)

Tuesday night we will be holding our April Booster Meeting in the band room an hour later than usual at 8:00pm. Please plan to attend as we will be voting on the candidates for open board positions, the 2024-2025 budget, and the band room capital improvement proposal. We will also have several other updates as we close the year. We look forward to seeing everyone again!

2024-2025 Band Registration is OPEN

We can’t wait to get started “Turning the Page” on the new season! Register now to be part of the fun! All new and returning marchers and guard must register!!

Registration this year is in our new software, BoosterHub. Please review the instructions at the top of the registration form carefully. You may need to contact the Treasurer before registering, so please don’t wait.

Register NOW:

April 2024 Booster Meeting – 4/8/24

Tuesday night we will be holding our March Booster Meeting in the band room at 7:00pm. Please plan to attend as we will be announcing candidates for open board positions, and presenting the 2024-2025 budget for review, along with several other updates. We look forward to seeing everyone again!

2024 LGPE Schedule

On Monday, March 11th, the North Paulding High School Band will travel to Woodland High School in Cartersville to perform their LGPE (Large Group Performance Evaluation) concert. All parents are welcome and encouraged to attend the performance!

Reminder: This is an early release day, so the school day ends at 1:25.

Students need to be in their concert attire with their instrument loaded on the trailer or in their possession before call time.

Concert Band Symphonic Band * Wind Symphony
Call Time – 8:00 Call Time – 1:45 Load trailer – 1:25
Depart NPHS – 8:45 Depart NPHS – 2:00 * Call Time – 4:30
Arrive WHS – 9:00 Arrive WHS – 2:15 Depart NPHS – 5:00
Warm Up – 9:15 Warm Up – 2:30 Arrive WHS – 5:15
Performance – 10:00 Performance – 3:15 Warm Up – 5:30
Sight Reading – 10:30 Sight Reading – 3:45 Performance – 6:15
Load Trailer – 11:00 Load Trailer – 4:15 Sight Reading – 6:45
Depart WHS – 11:15 Depart WHS – 4:30 Load Trailer – 7:15
Arrive NPHS – 11:30 Arrive NPHS – 4:45 Depart WHS – 7:30
Estimated Dismissal to lunch –
Estimated Dismissal – 5:00 Arrive NPHS – 7:45
Estimated Dismissal – 8:00
* Students can stay in the band room after school, but aren’t required to. Eat a meal before call time.

Pre-LGPE Concert – Tuesday 7pm

On Tuesday, February 27th, the North Paulding Band Program will present its Pre-LGPE concert. As noted in the syllabus, each ensemble is a performance based class that utilizes public performances as part of the learning process. All rehearsals and performances are equated into the nine-week grade for each semester. We are super excited with the progress that the students have made so far this semester and look forward to celebrating with a great night of music.

This year the middle school band program will be performing prior to the high school performance. The high school show starts at 7:00 pm.

Below, please find information related to each specific ensemble. Part of the process is arriving on time, in the correct uniform, and consistently displaying a high level of concert etiquette throughout the entire evening. Students will not be permitted to perform if they are not in the correct attire. Students sit in the side section on Stage Right (closest to the band room) during the concert and will be monitored by chaperones. Students are to be in the auditorium once their band is done, pay attention to the concert, and remain quiet while in the audience. Students will not use their phones, talk, or cause any distractions during a performance. Failure to follow this etiquette will result in removal from the concert and a grade of 0 for the concert.

Students are required to stay through to the end of the concert. Attendance will be taken at the beginning of the concert and at the end. Being tardy for the first attendance will reduce your grade. Not being present for the student’s portion of the concert or attendance at the end of the concert will result in a 0 for the concert. Not being present for the final attendance will reduce your grade.

Please contact the band office if you have any questions.

Attendance and Concert Attire:

CONCERT BAND (1st and 2nd Block)
Attendance Time: 6:00 pm in your seat in the auditorium.
Attire: Black button down dress shirt or blouse, black belt, black dress pants, long black socks, and black dress shoes OR black dress and black flats (no heels)

Attendance Time: 6:45 pm in the band room
Attire: Black button down dress shirt or blouse, black belt, black dress pants, long black socks, and black dress shoes OR school dress and black flats (no heels)

Attendance Time: 6:55 pm in the auditorium watching Concert Band 
Attire: School tuxedo, long black socks, and black dress shoes OR school dress and black flats (no heels)